Enter the captivating universe of Heart Hunter, where you assume the role of the cheerful Eros, combining beings through your exceptional skills in archery! Solve riddles and launch arrows to connect a wide array of characters, transporting them to an enchanting garden brimming with affection. Observe as diverse creatures, ranging from humans to orcs, evolve into affectionate pairs and even start their own families. Do you feel prepared to be the diminutive hero who causes love to blossom?
Employ your proficient archery abilities and magical love-infused arrows to unite various creatures, generating extraordinary couples. Decipher enigmas by shooting arrows, guiding creatures towards a love-infused garden where they discover happiness together. Your objective: bring hearts together and craft tales of love!
Controls: Slide or use the left mouse button to aim and fire.
Unleash the power of affection in Heart Hunter and make each arrow have an impact!