Embark on an extraordinary adventure alongside two young girls as they navigate their way through a fantastical school in their quest to become the most fashionable students! While one of them attends the esteemed School of Witches, the other is determined to unleash her inner enchantress, creating a style that will leave even princesses green with envy. Explore a world of limitless possibilities as you experiment with an array of unconventional materials, including black leather, satin, and other exquisite fabrics, in order to craft breathtaking outfits that are sure to captivate the attention of everyone around you -even the most discerning of princes. Immerse yourself in the enchanting realm of magical fashion at the prestigious School of Magic!
Assist these inseparable best friends in their relentless pursuit of becoming the epitome of style and elegance by meticulously selecting makeup, hairstyles, dresses, and accessories that perfectly complement their desired look. Preserving your phenomenal creations in the form of high-resolution PNG images will enable you to share your sartorial genius with others. Simply rely on the precision of your mouse clicks whilst using computers or gracefully maneuver the touch controls if you are accessing the game on touch screens.