Experience the depths of Blazes & Wealth, a unique card game inspired by Card Crawl. Embark upon a journey as the Flame-Knight, engaging in battles against notorious fiends, awe-inspiring creatures, and fearsome adversaries using a deck comprised of 54 cards. The outcome of your battles hinges on the efficacy of your cunning strategy; triumph shall reward you with abundant wealth, within which lies the key to unlocking mighty abilities and unprecedented power. Are you capable of emerging victorious from the shroud of darkness and unearthing your untold fortune?
Pull cards from your inventory in order to overcome adversaries until your deck runs empty. Every turn, new cards will replenish the 4 allocated slots on your control panel. Rely on resource cards carried in your grasp and within your knapsack to face foes head-on, be it through spell casting, direct infliction of damage, or availing yourself of a protective shield that wards off harmful blows. Along your perilous expedition, make certain to amass a collection of treasures strewn across your path, and expend your hard-earned gold to gain access to an arsenal of fresh Ability Cards.