Embark on an exciting, fresh journey with Dynamons 7! This captivating online game revolves around the collection of monstrous creatures and presents two brand new areas to explore: the world of Tall Pines and the bonus cave. Obtain all the necessary knowledge from the experienced Dynamons specialist, Jovani, in order to become a bona fide Dynamon Captain. Encounter and enlist exceptional Dynamons including Crocynos, Huango, Cybeenyx, Aragonyx, and numerous others. Construct your team and partake in exhilarating 1v1 battles, utilizing unique attacks and power-ups.
Operate the game by employing touchscreen controls or your mouse. Engage in captivating, turn-based battles using action cards that enable you to launch attacks and capture weakened adversaries. Retrieve useful items from your backpack to aid you during your journey. Enhance the abilities of your Dynamons and unlock new action cards by utilizing shards. Challenge other trainers and aim to assert your dominance as the most powerful Dynamon Captain!